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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Bettendorf Eyecare Center the leading provider of vision care products and services in Bettendorf.


Dr. Aaron Chizek

Dr. Aaron Chizek joined Bettendorf Eyecare in 2004.  He is a general practitioner who sees patients of all ages.  He provides comprehensive eye care including full eye exams, contact lens fitting, treatment of eye diseases, and surgical co-management.

He completed undergraduate work at the University of Northern Iowa and then received his doctorate from the Ohio State University College of Optometry in 2001.  After graduation, he worked in a practice in Montgomery and Auburn, Alabama while his wife, Ammie, served in the US Air Force.  He is a member of the American Optometric Association, Iowa Optometric Association, and the Mississippi Valley Optometric Association.

Dr. Aaron was raised on a farm near Dysart, Iowa and currently resides in Eldridge.  He stays busy with his four active sons.  He enjoys watching his boys participate in sports as well as college and professional sports.  He is a member of St. Ann’s church in Long Grove.

Dr. Ammie Chizek

Dr. Ammie Chizek joined Bettendorf Eyecare in 2004.  She completed her undergraduate work at the University of Illinois and earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Ohio State University College of Optometry in 2001.

After graduation, she served three years in the United States Air Force, stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL as  a staff optometrist.  She is a member of the American Optometric Association, Iowa Optometric Association, and the Mississippi Valley Optometric Association.

Dr. Ammie is a native of Illinois, born and raised in Taylorville.  She currently lives in Eldridge with her husband, Aaron and their four sons.

Dr. J. Conner Peters

Dr. J. Conner Peters joined Bettendorf Eyecare in 2018. He provides comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages, including fitting soft and specialty contact lenses, diagnosing and treating ocular disease, and surgical co-management.

As an undergraduate student at the University of Iowa, Dr. Peters participated in several glaucoma research studies which sparked his interest in the field of eye care. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 2013 earning his Bachelor’s degree in Biology. He went on to receive his Doctorate in Optometry from the University of Missouri St. Louis College of Optometry.

Dr. Peters is native to the Quad City area and graduated from Pleasant Valley High School in 2009. He and his wife, Paige, have a son, Carson, and a daughter, Callie. His interests include golfing, running, and spending time with his family.

Kay – Part-time Optician: Frame styling, Customizing lens choices, Frame adjustments, Contact lens training, Preliminary testing

Linda – Optician: Frame styling, Customizing lens choices, Frame adjustments, Contact lens training, Preliminary testing

Wendy – Front Desk: Customer service, Scheduling, Insurance knowledge, Contact lens ordering

Brenda – Optometric Assistant: Preliminary Testing, Ancillary testing, Scheduling, Customer service, Contact lens training